Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Let me introduce myself

It has been quite some time since I have written and shared anything here. I suppose there are a few reasons for that, one could be just a crazy busy life, or maybe I am just really bad at following through when I have no accountability. I wish I could say that it was one reason more than the other, but really it is most certainly a mix of both. 

I love to write and have avoided it for so many years and reasons. One of which is serious self-doubt in my ability to write and then my own thoughts of who really cares to read this. Yet, I am constantly being pulled back in to write and share stories of my crazy life. My closest of friends can tell you that some days our life would make a great comedy/reality tv show. 

Today, I would like to re-introduce myself and my family. I will share a bit of what we all do, especially since this pandemic has changed the dynamics of life quite a bit. 

I am a wife, mother to five kids ranging in ages from 7 to 20. I am a State Chapter Director of the Michigan Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation, a nonprofit built to raise funds and awareness of the brain condition hydrocephalus. Our 10 year old daughter was born with this condition and we were thrown into a world we never even knew existed. I am also the CFO with Bliss Family of ROMs, another nonprofit that I am a part of alongside my husband. This one has to do with Android App Developement, so I am very much a behind the scenes helper of all financials and HR.

I love spending time outdoors in spring, summer and fall, walking nature trails, (I say I'm hiking, but its probably not what others picture as hiking), swimming, spending time at the beach, and just enjoying the sunshine. I have a huge fondness of 1980's music (sorry, but it's still great music), as well as almost any genre except country, metal and hard rap. Sorry, there are just some things I can't pull myself to enjoy. I am a survivor of sexual abuse that happened in my teen years by a family member. I am not ever afraid to talk about or share my story, and as I am growing in my life, you may even hear me share about it. My friends and family would say I am quite a hippy spirit as well. I love to cut chemicals out of our household in many ways, but still struggle with making healthier food for my family. I love to bake, but cooking is not so much a favorite of mine. If I have to plan dinner one more stinking night!!! We have a huge weakness to fastfood, ice cream, most anything sweet will catch our attention as well.

My goal with this blog is that you may find it refreshing, I will always be honest with you - sharing both the good and bad of what is happening. I hope that while I share bits and pieces of what I have found to work for me or my family may help you, or maybe a part of my story resonates with you and you want to know more. Either way, I hope you enjoy the crazy endeavors of my life!