February is a great month to be reminded to care for oneself. According to mass merchandisers, it is a great month to spend a bunch of money on the 'love of your life' and spoil them like crazy. But, there is something I have been learning lately, and working hard at as well - self care.
You can't really care for others if you are not caring for yourself first. Self care looks so different for everyone, but at the bottom of it all I feel, is your emotional well being. What do you know about essential oils and emotional well being? Did you know that emotions are processed throughout the whole body? Your mind, your heart, and your gut ( called "The 3 brains"), all work together or communicate with each other to regulate and influence your emotions. Emotions also impact our cells, and it is in this way that essential oils can help us regulate our emotions and take control of our self care once again. Did you know that 90% of your body's serotonin is produced in your gut?! Serotonin, if you don't know, is associated with your 'feel good' emotions.
This month, I am teaching a few Facebook Live classes about emotions and how essential oils help. Tomorrow I will be starting a 7 day challenge about emotions and essential oils. I would love to have you!! Check out my page on Facebook at Daisypoet's Oils for more information on those online classes.
doTerra is also running a promotion on one of the emotion oils: Passion oil is 10% off this month, and then if you place a 125 pv order by the 15th of this month you will receive the aromatouch oil for FREE!
If you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to message me on FB, or email at: flower97_02@yahoo.com and I would be happy to help.