So every so often, I get this bug in my butt that says it is time for a change. It seems to be tied to a change in the seasons, or a change in my outlook in our life, or some other rather large thing that happened in our life. Friends, a change is on the horizon!
I have changed the look of my personal blog here, and am going to start incorporating more of my business into it as well. I will share what oils I am in love with at the time, and using daily, recipes I find helpful to lessen the chemical load in your household and mine. I am going to send you links to other friends blogs that I think will be helpful for one thing or another and I will still be quite honest about my life, my rounds of depression, and being a mom to five kiddos. My daughter's blog, Willow's Wishes, will still focus on her story only though.
A lot of these changes have been brewing in my mind all month, and I am quite excited about what the new year will bring. I have been using essential oils in my home for almost three years now, and really running a business of it for almost a year. I am growing personally and professionally each day, and am really excited about some incredible things on the horizon that I just don't want to share yet.
A new year always brings with it a chance to dream again, and set new goals, and re evaluate where you are at currently with where you wanted to be instead. Most people do this only at the the change of the year; I would like to make sure I am staying on top of my dreams and goals on a more regular basis, and so am setting up a lot of things differently than I have before in my life. I have heard often lately that if you want to see a change in your life and end up in a different place, you have to start doing different things than what you are currently doing. It makes a lot of sense, but oddly enough takes a lot to get through my thick skull. :)
So, as the changes unfold, and the new year approaches and progresses, I hope you will stick with me and see what great things are to come.
Happy New Year!